We have shared a selection of informative website links from various talented craftspeople who are dedicated to working tirelessly and passionately to keep traditional skills alive and relevant in today’s rapidly changing world.

These artisans strive to preserve their cultural heritage while adapting their techniques to contemporary needs and preferences.

If you would like to do a reciprocal link with ourselves please feel free to email us. We do not promise to share every link, but we are happy to consider if we feel it would be a good fit with our ethos.

 House of Labhran Links - Currently Updating Page

  • Oorlich Designs - The home of the "Tachum" Jacket. A classic waxed kilt jacket for all the oorlich, damp Scottish days. Oorlich Designs

  • Flett Forge - Flett Forge is a small artisanal bladesmithing company based in Scotland in the heart of whisky country. We hand craft cutlery, outdoor knives, highland dirks and our famed Sgian Dubhs (kilt knives). Flett Forge

  • Hip Hut Deco - An international decorative paint service for designers, architects & private clients around the world. Hip Hut Deco

  • Scott Morton Bagpiper - Ex Scots Guards piper offering piping services in the UK. Scott Morton Bagpiping